When in doubt, be a kid
Does it happen to you that “Suddenly a friend or a person you knew stops talking to you or starts behaving cold around you or show you in some way other way that they don’t like you anymore or they are angry with you”. But they never come to you and talk to you about it, they never tell you “Hey you said this and I didnt like it, or you did that and it was mean or rude or you treated me badly or you disrespected me. They don’t care to know that you might have done something innocently and had no idea it could have affected the other person, but you didnt mean to do it. They just “CHANGE”. They will meet you because they have to be present in a social gathering with you and act normal but you can see right though that “NORMAL” that its not normal. I also know people who are just scared to be around you because you work hard and make things happen and they can’t do it so they don’t like you and dont want to be around as it makes feel lesser than you. They feel inferior and jealous.
Unfortunately that’s how most people are or have become. I know in my childhood, friends were very honest, they told what they didn’t like, they gave their honest suggestions/advice, they forgot quickly and friendships didn’t change. WOW the childhood suddenly sounds mature than adulthood. Why can’t we be like little kids, kids will tell you on your face if they like you or they don’t like you, kids will tell you if you are doing something they don’t like and will be ready to play with you within minutes. Adults should learn right behavior from kids.
How do you handle such friends/people? I say how about thinking “How a kid will handle this situation?” They will fight, or cry, or tell you “hey I don’t like that you don’t talk to me anymore or why don’t you talk to me anymore, or are you angry with me or why are you angry with me. The angry kid would respond saying “I didn’t like what you said to me or you were mean to me or any sensible reason”. How most adults would respond in this situation? They will say “O, everything is normal, I am not not in the mood or I have been so busy and will try to stop the conversation with you. Them lying as response leaves you no choice because they are saying everything is normal”. This is what I do “I tell myself, I tried to find out the issues, It tried talking, I tried to understand if I didn’t anything wrong and fix it”. I gives me peace of mind, because I took steps to make things right, I took steps to revive the relationship. Now the only thing I have left to try is “Wait, give them time”. Most people come around with time. The ones who don’t “Never mind, they were never meant to be in your life and didn’t deserve you attention and friendship. Those who turn around in time dont deserve as much attention as you gave them before “Because they don’t understand you”, they won’t ever be your good friends as they will keep finding reasons to go back their shell. Now those who just tell you right away “Hey, I am angry with you and here is the reason why, or those who understand your intentions and know you have right intentions, those who know you might have not meant what you did and they just forget it and keep the friendship alive and healthy. These are your true friends, the keepers. Treasure them, preserve your friendship with them, give them your valuable time and thoughts.